Spa – a different environment

Published: 20-Jul-2011

The spa sector enjoyed significant growth in 2010/11 with marine-derived, organic, probiotic and anti-aging ingredients coming to the fore. Medi-spa products and those for home use proved popular

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While some sectors of the C&T market offer relatively little opportunity for development the spa sector is wide open. SPC reports

It would be reasonable to expect that something considered luxuries like spa treatments might struggle during recession. In fact the sector didn’t do half as badly as anticipated over the last few years, plus the need for consumers to be a little more restrained in this area has actually done wonders for the home spa sector. “People are looking at how they can improve their well-being in the comfort of their own home and are realising they can do so much more for themselves with the right tools,” says Nikki Kinnaird, founder of Space.NK.

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