Quiet but confident: Gel manicures play the long game

Published: 27-Jun-2017

Consistently popular among consumers, but often overlooked by innovators, the gel manicure is attracting attention thanks to a new brand on the block hoping to redefine the sub-category

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Christina Kao

Christina Kao

Gel manicures remain a popular choice for women looking for a longer-lasting upgrade on the traditional file and paint.

But as the trend for DIY beauty gains momentum, the sub-sector is once again ripe for NPD.

Here, Christina Kao, Founder of Le Mini Macaron, talks to Cosmetics Business about her at-home gel manicure brand which, after proving a hit in Asia, is coming to UK shores.

The DIY nail care market is booming. Is the at-home gel manicure market competitive/saturated?

Yes, DIY is growing at a rapid pace. Women are increasingly interested in and capable of creating their own looks by themselves – whether it be nails or make-up – thanks to YouTubers making professional tips and tricks ultra-accessible.

While there have been at-home gel manicure kits on the market for a few years now, I actually believe that the true potential of this space has hardly been tapped into. You’ll find that the products on the market are very

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