California unanimously approves cruelty-free cosmetics act

Published: 3-Sep-2018

The bill will now be passed to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature

California lawmakers have taken a united stand against animal testing for cosmetics, after voting unanimously in favour of a ban.

The Senate Bill 1249, the California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, was approved in the State Assembly on 31 August.

The bill, which was introduced earlier this year, would make it illegal for cosmetics manufacturers to import or sell beauty products in the US state if the product was developed using any animal test on or after 1 January 2020.

Author of the bill Senator Cathleen Galgiani said: “I’m proud of California lawmakers for moving science, industry, and ethics forward today.

"Cruelty-free cosmetics are good for business, safe for humans, and don’t harm animals.”

The proposed bill sets out clear repercussions for violations, including a fine of US$5,000 and an additional $1,000 for each day the violation continues.

Principal co-author assembly member Ash Kalra, added: "This compromise reflects how business interests and consumer protection can go hand in hand, and I commend animal rights activists and the cosmetic industry alike, as we move forward on this important legislation to protect animals and adopt cruelty-free cosmetics."

Lezlee Westine, President & CEO, Personal Care Products Council, added: “Our member companies have long supported measures to make animal testing obsolete, and we very much appreciate the hard work of Senator Galgiani and our coalition to find a positive path forward.

SB 1249 is good for California consumers, businesses, jobs and animal welfare. We remain committed to finding and advocating for acceptance of alternatives to animal testing in the US and abroad."

The bill has now been sent to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature.

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