Male grooming formulations: Precision and performance

Published: 6-Dec-2017

Men’s bathroom cabinets are a more exotic affair than in years past, with products to meet an increasingly diverse range of needs. This month’s formulations include a detoxifying eye solution and an intimate shaving formulation, which meets the vogue for ‘manscaping’

Formulation 1

This Anti Dark & Detox Eye Lotion contains CLR’s new JuvenEye CLR active ingredient and is very suitable for men in high-pressure, urban jobs who don’t want their eyes to betray they’re tired!

Male grooming formulations: Precision and performance

Mix phase A in the given order and stir slowly until uniform. Add phase B to phase A while stirring. Add phase C and stir until homogeneous.

Formulation 2

The millennial-driven trend for hair removal among guys means men are looking for extra-gentle shaving aids. Fortunately, this new (and superbly named) formulation from Surfachem, Love Down Below, is a unisex gel cream designed for application to the intimate area after shaving to reduce irritation and care for skin.

Male grooming formulations: Precision and performance

Disperse Carbopol in water then fully dissolve Erylite with mixing. Disperse Lactil, Schercemol NGDO, Tegosoft OER, Schercemol 1688 and Ximenia oil in order. Add Saliguard SP. Change pH to 5-5.1. Add Tego Pep 4-Comfort. Check pH and viscosity.

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