Over 60s accounted for 12% of the global population in 2015 and will reach 17% by 2030.
This segment has different expectations than their younger counterparts: they embrace their age and look for a healthy ageing.
More and more interested in well-being than rejuvenating, new products’ claims opportunities are rising.
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Adapting to ageing signs characteristics: Ethnic segmentation or ultra-customisation?
A better knowledge of skin ageing specificities of ethnic groups and their environmental influences allows to formulate cosmetic products that meet expectations.
Today, globalisation and ethnical mixing, is leading us to a new trend: “Multicultural beauty”.
The future aim seems to offer customisable products line adapted to individuals rather than marketing groups.
Discover Dermscan analysis about the main ageing signs of the face for Caucasians, Afro-Americans, Asians and Indians
Dermscan is ageing beautifully, trust our long experience!
Known as the reference in the assessment of anti-ageing effects and much more since 1990, Dermscan provides in vitro trials and in vivo tolerance and efficacy studies of cosmetics.
With laboratories in France, Poland, Tunisia and Thailand, Dermscan evaluates products on all types of skin and under various environmental conditions, lifestyles, cosmetic habits, etc. Before/after application protocol.
Comparison with a placebo or a benchmark. Intra-individually or on parallel groups...
We can both suggest you standard or innovative customised solutions to prove your claims. Clinical scoring, instrumental measurement, sensory analysis, subjective evaluation questionnaire...
Find what is the best approach for your product.
Dermscan insightful methods to evaluate the efficacy of anti-ageing products
Anti-wrinkle effect, complexion radiance, lifting effect, well-being impact, firming effect.
Take advantage of some examples of Dermscan solutions to support your claims