Asquan's Mid-Year Momentum

Published: 19-Jul-2024

2024 has been an incredible year thus far for Asquan. They've experienced significant growth and have assisted their clients in launching a wide array of products across every facet of the beauty industry

Expanding and Strengthening Client Relationships

At the midpoint of the year, they reflect on their growth. We've strengthened relationships with existing clients through new product launches that exceeded expectations, creating mutual success. Additionally, they've expanded their network, diversifying their client base and extending solutions to a wider audience. They're proud to welcome new clients and look forward to building strong, lasting relationships.

Introducing New Families of Innovative Asquan Cosmetic Packaging

Innovation remains at the heart of the business, and this year they've introduced new families of Asquan cosmetic packaging. These designs represent the forefront of beauty packaging, combining functionality with aesthetic appeal to provide unparalleled solutions for their clients' needs.

Check out our newest collections:

Commitment to Eco-Conscious Practices

Their dedication to sustainability continues to drive our efforts. They've made significant strides in ensuring their business practices and designs are eco-friendly. They understand the needs and wants of the industry and have taken it upon themselves to change all their own Asquan Standards into sustainable materials and have worked tirelessly alongside their factory partners to do the same.

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