The way it makes you feel: Tracking sensory change in beauty

Published: 21-Nov-2019

Kao Corporation recently applied TDS profiling, often used in the food and beverages industry, to its cosmetic formulas to provide a dynamic sensory evaluation of their texture during application. Shiori Nakano reveals the results

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Sensation and perception when using a product is a dynamic process with multiple factors, and can be applied for evaluations of various categories, such as food and beverages, cosmetics, fragrances, personal care and household products, as well as others.

Consumers experience a temporal changeable sensation when using product and their individual aspects of percept sensation are related to their preferences.

To measure such changes in sensation, traditional descriptive analysis techniques have been adopted over the years, with one of the most popular being the quantitative descriptive analysis method developed by Stone et al. in 1974[1].

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