Sun care soars in Japan

Published: 15-May-2013

Sales of UV care cosmetics in Japan have grown from ¥200bn in 2003 to an estimated ¥288bn in 2012 - an increase of 44%.

Over recent years, the amount of UV radiation has been increasing, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. At the same time, women’s interest in UV protection and whitening cosmetics has been increasing, especially among women in their twenties, according to Japan’s Pola Cosmetics.

During the 1990s there was a temporary fashion for tanned skin, but after 2000, the need for UV protection became mainstream and the demand for skin whitening products grew.

Backing the move towards sun protection, sales of UV care cosmetics in Japan have grown from ¥200bn in 2003 to an estimated ¥288bn in 2012, up by 44%.

Pola’s response to the growing trend has been to develop the Pola Anti-Ageing Alliance that approaches UV protection from the angle of lifestyle as well as cosmetics.

The alliance involves cooperation with media companies and consultancy services to offer advice on diet and nutrition.

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