EU warns nano studies may be bogus

Published: 4-Sep-2013

Safety dossiers submitted by cosmetics manufacturers on nanomaterials could be faulty

A memorandum from the European Union (EU) scientific committee on consumer safety (SCCS) has warned that safety dossiers submitted by cosmetics manufacturers on nanomaterials could be faulty. A plenary meeting of the committee warned that “supporting evidence submitted for a given nanomaterial under assessment is sometimes completely on irrelevant materials and may include information on non-nano forms, entirely different physico-chemicals parameters and morphological forms and not the actual material used in cosmetics products”.

Meanwhile, the plenary also criticised inconsistent quality regarding some dossiers submitted by cosmetics companies seeking committee judgements. It said they were “lacking necessary information/studies for the safety evaluation of the respective cosmetic ingredient”. The committee said companies should follow its guidelines closely.

And it confirmed that while the EU’s animal test ban was now in force, animal based data generated before this can be used, along with data from later tests on cosmetics ingredients used in other products, for which animal tests are allowed.

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