Calm your mind - blue cream

Published: 22-Jun-2022

SUK. Sustainable Wellness Project is not a beauty project, it is about self care. It connects you with beautiful natural plant-based botanical ingredients whenever your skin needs them

SUK. doesn't do routine, nor anti-aging regime!

SUK. makes AgeWell formulas focusing on mature, blemished and over-tired skin for both men and women.

Simplicity, Honesty and Transparency are the 3 pillars of SUK. natural + organic skincare brand:

  • Simplicity: Only use what is necessary, no more no less, from carefully chosen ingredients according to their natural properties and aromaceutical profiles to only using primary packaging to avoid unnecessary waste.
  • Honesty: SUK. promotes an honest ingredients list, so you know what you are putting onto your skin.
  • Transparency: To celebrate amazing natural colour from the ingredients, skincare products don't need to be WHITE.
Calm your mind - blue cream

Calm Your Mind - Details

When we are living in an environment with constant stress from all directions, either from your work life or busy home life, you deserve a moment of Calmness whenever you need it!

SUK. Calm Your Mind - Blue Cream is a light natural face moisturiser which not only sinks into your skin quickly, but also its natural ingredients help to soothe, repair and nourish your mature skin as well as calm your senses with its unique aroma!

Key ingredients include: Natural + Organic + ZeroWaste + Vegan

Tomato Seed Oil + Organic Clary Sage Hydrosol + Centella Asiatica Extract + Organic Cucumber Extract + Organic Rosemary Oil + Tansy Blue Oil.

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