Cosmetic Microbiome studies

Published: 4-Jan-2023

Frequent cosmetic use may disrupt skin microbiota balance by causing derma effects. QACS assists manufacturers avoid cosmetic derived skin dysbiosis with Cosmetic Microbiome studies

QACS supports the maintenance of the beneficial skin microflora by using microbiological/molecular methods and clinical trials for Microbiome Friendly and Microbiome Balance claim substantiation. Cosmetic Microbiome studies are supported by years of clinical efficacy testing experience and molecular biology know-how. Studies, are adopted to your product’s needs and budget and are provided in the form of customised protocols.

Why conduct Cosmetic Microbiome Studies?

Over the last years, the connection between skin microbiome and cosmetics use is under thorough study. The skin is colonised by myriads of different microorganisms, the majority of which are bacteria while fungi & viruses are also present in lower numbers. Those microorganisms represent the skin microbiome. They form an ecosystem and are usually harmless or may even be beneficial, as they cooperate with the immune system and compete against pathogenic microbes. The antimicrobial activity of cosmetic preservatives and long-term cosmetic usage may disrupt the normal skin microflora. This can lead to dysbiosis, the disruption in the balance of the skin microbiota with adverse effects on the skin such as new allergies, skin irritation, discolouration and others. For Cosmetic Microbiome studies and microbiome claim solutions contact us at

What QACS does:

Microbiome Friendly

Microbiome Friendly studies reveal information about the product’s effect on the skin microbiome and it is an in vitro/ex vivo or in vivo study. Learn more about Microbiome Friendly Testing for cosmetics here.

Microbiome Balance

If the goal of your product is to re-balance or improve the skin microbiome, a different approach is used including both in vitro and in vivo testing. Cosmetic Microbiome Balance studies are designed to produce confirmatory data on skin improvement caused by cosmetics. To prove cosmetic claim substantiation, trials are more extensive. Learn more about Microbiome Balance Testing for cosmetics here.

Skin Friendly Preservation

QACS provides a testing package for formulators of mild cosmetics to evaluate Preservation Efficacy and support Microbiome friendly claims. Besides the optimised preservative content and microbiome claim substantiation, Skin Friendly Preservation, also benefits manufacturers with reduced formulation costs as smaller amounts of preservatives are being used. Learn more about Skin Friendly Preservation studies for cosmetics here.

For Skin Microbiome studies for cosmetics contact QACS Lab at

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